Ultra Fine

Ultra Fine specialise in Additive Manufacturing and Metal Injection Molding (MIM).
Ultra Fine produces specialty gas atomized powders for the Metal Injection Molding (MIM) industry with additional focus and expertise in powders developed and produced for binder jet AM, electronic and magnetic requirements, and thermal spray/laser bed fusion applications, among others.
A wide range of alloys are atomized regularly by Ultra Fine, using high pressure argon and nitrogen gases, creating alloys from copper through cobalt/nickel superalloys, and many iron based alloys from stainless to low alloy steels. Ultra Fine employs a unique inert gas atomisation design and techniques to efficiently produce high quality, spherical powders with very tightly controlled chemistry and particle sizes that make it uniquely specially qualified for highly specific applications. A wide range of tight particle size cuts can be made as required using technologically advanced air classification and/or screening processes.
PI-KEM Hart are UK and European distributors for Ultra Fine Specialty Products.